SEND - ºìÌÒÊÓƵ School



Our vision at ºìÌÒÊÓƵ and The Grange School is to unlock potential through world class educational experiences for all pupils, regardless of ability, race, or need, ensuring they make the greatest possible progress in their learning, while experiencing a broad and balanced curriculum alongside their peers. At our schools all teachers are teachers of students with SEND and recognise that was is good for SEND students is good for all. Teachers scaffold work so that all students have access to the broad and balanced curriculum and maintain high expectations with high support, thus ensuring all children make progress.

All children are special, all children have needs and many children experience barriers to their learning or the way they behave at some time during their school life. It is recognised that many students will, perhaps for only a short time, have some form of special educational needs (SEND) and that some support may be required. At ºìÌÒÊÓƵ and The Grange School we offer excellent teaching and learning to all students including those with SEND.

We are ambitious for all our students and aim to ensure that a quality educational opportunity is provided for all.

A child has a learning difficulty if he or she:

  • has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age
  • has a disability which either prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind provided for children of the same age in schools within the area of the local education authority.
  • is not making progress in line with their ability, is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline, fails to match or better the child's previous rate of progress, fails to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers.

Special provision is educational provision which is additional to, or otherwise different from, provision made generally for children of the child's age in maintained schools, other than special schools, in the area.

We believe that ºìÌÒÊÓƵ School's good practice can make a difference and we endeavour to 'personalise' our learning support by including the following:

  • Clear identification of needs, liaising with outside professionals and in-house assessments e.g. Dyslexia Screening
  • Classroom observations to support and advise teaching staff around supporting learners needs, including seating plan considerations and student specific strategies
  • Mixed ability and ability grouping according to subject
  • Regular monitoring of progress and students’ Attitude to Learning
  • Pastoral support plans are created in discussion with Parents, Students, Heads of Year, SENDCo, Teachers and Teaching Assistants.
  • Additional intervention to improve Literacy and Numeracy or specific teaching to address a particular need at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4, individually or in small groups
  • Personalised courses that may include reduced GCSE options, study skills, work placements, vocational courses and College taster sessions
  • Close liaison with pupils and their parents to create a partnership for making shared decisions about educational provision.
  • The valuable and unique resource of the In School Learning Centre and Student Services which cater for a number of social, emotional and mental health needs and medical needs

The coordination of learning support and special needs is undertaken by Executive SENDCo Mrs Miller, who are responsible for the strategic development and day to day operation of the school's SEND policy, co-ordination of provision for students and liaison with parents, staff and external agencies.

In addition, there is a strong team of Specialist Teachers and teaching assistants who provide mentoring and support during lessons.

To learn more about how we include students with Special Educational Needs, please see the documents below. There are also policies relevant to Special Educational Needs in the Policies section of our website which can be found here.

Two relevant policies are the SEND Policy and Accessibility Plan. Copies of these policies are below.

Accessibility Plan

To find out more about services and activities for children and young people living in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, please have a look at the BCP Website by clicking the link below.

Parent Champion for SEND – Monthly support and advice for families

As a school we want to play a role in improving SEND services for our children and young people. We now have an opportunity to provide a confidential space here in school for families of children with SEND through a new Parent Champion project delivered and funded by SENDiass4BCP and Parent Carers Together.

Each month a dedicated Parent Champion will hold one session to support families in navigating appropriate local and National services and networks to meet the needs of their children. These meetings can be booked in advance using the email address

We will be releasing dates for sessions soon. Time slots are allocated to individual families and are held in confidence during the school day.

If you are experiencing difficulties and are unsure where to access the support and resources you need please do get in touch and confirm your interest in writing. The role of the Parent Champion is to listen and to share knowledge of the services and the networks in your local community that may be of help to you.

This is a valuable resource we are so pleased to be part of. Together we can improve services and support for families across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

SEND Documentation Date  
31st Oct 2023 Download

Dorset Max Card

The Dorset Max Card entitles the card holder (plus one other person e.g. a carer, P.A. or friend) to free or discounted access or other benefits at a range of around 100 leisure activities, venues and organisations across Dorset, Bournemouth, Poole and beyond.

The card is available to all Dorset (excluding Bournemouth and Poole)-based young carers, children in care and some care leavers, and all children and young people who are disabled and registered on The Xchange.

To find out more, please click .