Mental Health and Wellbeing
With more than 850,000 children and young people in the UK being diagnosed with a mental health condition, we recognise that both parents and students need help and support from us in terms of students' mental health and wellbeing.
With this in mind, we hope that the resources below will help you, whether you are a student or a parent.
We have also created which we hope will help, and Dorset have provided containing some key contacts and sources of support.
Following our return to school in March, please find below a video which we hope you will find helpful in supporting your young person:
In addition, we held a Wellbeing Webinar for parents and students:
Wellbeing and Positive Thinking
Mood Tracking
Keep track about how you are feeling by colouring in every day. Some suggestions for colours that you could use are .
Free Webinars
Anna Freud are running some free webinars over the summer.
The first webinar will be for parents/carers with children waiting for their exam results
The second will be for those with children about to start Year 7.
The third webinar will be for young people themselves, helping them look after their own wellbeing as they start at university.
Please find links for these below:
– 8th August 2pm
– 9th August 2pm
– 22nd August 2pm
If you would like support with a bereavement please find below some useful website links with further information:
Please click on the link below for free or low cost counselling options for students
Young Minds support for Mental Health Week 2023
BCP Mental Health Support Team Newsletter
Parenting a Teen
Please click the box below for advice and resources for parenting a teen.
Local Organisations
The organisations that we have chosen to recommend to you below are self-referral; you can go along whenever suits you and talk to someone who can help.
(telephone 07864 840443)
Christchurch Food Bank (telephone 07587 371088, email
Young Persons' Support
Please click the box below for further information on Young Persons' Support in Dorset and National Support
Teen Breathe - this is available online at .
We will update this section shortly. We hope to be able to recommend a selection of books available to students in our school library.
Chat Health
ChatHealth is a confidential text messaging service that enables children and young people (aged 11-19) to contact their local public health nursing (school nursing) team. Please click for more information.
There is also Crisis Textline, which is open 24/7 - please click for more information.
Useful Websites and Information
- related to supporting stress and anxiety linked to coronavirus and has a lot of useful information to support families
Webinar - Understanding Young People's Mental Health
Courses Available for Parents
For general advice and to see what our Student Services department does on a regular basis, follow them on Twitter: @_TwySS